The nurse showed us some 4-D shots at the end of our ultrasound, but they did not save any on the disk for me. So the above shot is one that Jeff took of the t.v. screen with his phone. You can still tell that she is going to be one cutie-

Today, Jeff and I had an ultrasound at Riverside to follow up with our new baby's kidney's. It looks like this new baby only has two kidney's but we will go back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks and then she will also follow up with the Pediatric Urologist once she is born.

She has her little fist up by her mouth. (According to the Doctor, she is approximately 3.1 lbs!)

Another fist by the mouth picture.

Profile shot.

Here are her little leg crossed at the ankles. She is going to be quite the lady.
A couple very short video's of our new baby girl.