We got home last night at 12:30 AM and we all went straight to bed. It had b
een a really long day of traveling so we were all exhausted. Jeff had to go to work today, on his birthday no less, and I took Samantha to the babysitter so I could get some stuff done today. The above picture was my "Happy Birthday Daddy" picture I sent Jeff this morning.

As I was making dinner for Jeff tonight Samantha fell on the corner of the cabinet and busted her lip. She instantly started crying and I ran to pick her up. There was seriously blood everywhere! I screamed for Jeff to come help, and he got some ice, but she would not let us get near her lip with it. So Jeff came up with a brilliant idea and got her a
popsicle. She loves
popsicles and the cold stopped the bleeding so it was perfect.

She calmed down pretty quickly and then ate dinner. After dinner we gave her a bath and she was ready for bed. Hopefully her lip will not swell too bad and she will be back to good in the morning!