Today at work I dislocated my knee! I really just bumped my knee on a filing cabinet. At first I was really confused. I could not put any weight on my leg but it did not hurt when I bumped it so I had no clue what was wrong. So I reached down and felt my knee cap on the side of my leg. I knew instantly that my knee was dislocated. So I yelled for my co-workers to call 911. I called Jeff to let him know that I was hurt and that an ambulance was coming to pick me up. It seemed like it took them forever to get there but it was probably only about 10 minutes or so. I was in more pain than I ever have been before. The
EMT's asked me if it was worse than childbirth and I said YES, I had an epidural for childbirth! The
EMT's got me loaded onto a
stretcher and had to use the service elevator to take me downstairs. But the service elevator only goes to the 2
nd floor so they had to carry me down a flight of stairs. Any movement to my knee was like being stabbed by a thousand knives. By the time they got me into the ambulance my arms were numb from the pain! I called Jeff again to let him know we were headed to Grant Hospital. Since I was at work downtown Grant was the closest hospital. Once we got to the hospital they took me straight into a room and a nurse was there waiting for me. He got me all set up and my IV was already in from the ambulance EMT so they started giving me fluids. I was begging for more pain medicine. At that time all I had was 4
milligrams of morphine which did not even touch the pain. When the Doctor came in he started to put my knee back into place but it was too painful. So they ended up giving me more painkillers through my IV and these painkillers were MUCH better than the morphine. Once that had a few minutes to kick in the Doctor put my knee cap back into place. Even with all the medicine it was still really painful. But is was SO much better than the pain I was in before it was put back in place. The nurse brought me some ice packs and I was able to relax for a little bit while I waited for the x-ray
tech's to come in. The x-ray
tech's were two younger girls, probably my age, and they were very nice and sympathetic. I had to pee really bad so I called the nurse in and he said that at this point I would have to use a bed pan, so I opted for holding it! Then about 20 minutes later he came back and put my leg in a brace and gave me crutches so that I could go to the bathroom on my own! I was discharged from the hospital with
prescriptions for
Cotin and an Anti-
Inflammatory. I have to go meet with an Orthopedic Surgeon on Monday or Tuesday to see if I am going to need surgery or just some sort of physical therapy. Keep my in your prayers as I am still in a lot of pain and am nervous about what the Orthopedic Surgeon is going to say.