Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Good-Morning-Mommy Picture!

Samantha loves to get in my bed in the morning and lay on all my pillows. I am gone by the time she gets up so she just climbs right in since I am not there. At night when I am tucking her in I tell her she better not get on Mommy's side of the bed in the morning and she just thinks it is so funny.  So while this may just look like a cute picture of Samantha to you, it is actually an inside joke between mother and daughter ;)

Sleeping big girl.

Yesterday Samantha was really upset that I would not let her wear a tank top outside (it was snowing). So she was crying hysterically (she is a girly girl). So Jeff picked her up and started talking to her while rocking in the big chair.  He said that one minute she was talking and the next minute she was sound asleep!

Spaghetti Night

We had spaghetti for Valentines Dinner and Natalie was in hog heaven!

Time for a check up!

Samantha and I just went to the Dentist for our 6 Month check up.  I had to pick her up early from the babysitters and she fell asleep in the car on the way there.

But once we got there she was a trooper!  She was actually in the room next to me while I got my teeth cleaned too.  I thought she would be afraid when I left but the Dentist said she did great.  And she want to stay and play with the hygienist when she was all done!
Bonus: No one had any cavities!!!

Natalie is 11 Months Old

At 10.5 months; Natalie started walking...


Nick and I fell in love with a band called Keane when we were living in Memphis.  Well Nick found out that they were coming to Columbus so we got tickets and were really excited to go!

The first stop on our brother / sister adventure was BW3's for dinner!

 Then we went and got in line for the concert, which was surprisingly long considering Keane is not that well know of a band.  And it was freezing cold outside but we didn't want to mess with coats once we got inside.

The concert was amazing.  It was standing room only and we had a really good spot to stand.  And Keane did not disappoint at all!!! We sang at the top of our lungs all night and lost our voices before we even got home that night.  I hope they come back to Columbus soon so Nick and I can have another bother / sister night!

Sharon's 60th and Vikki's 70th!

Cousin Sharon and Aunt Vikki share the same birthday; Jan. 20th! So a group of us all went out to dinner to celebrate.  In fact Uncle Dick and Aunt Mary Lou came all the way up from Florida to help us celebrate!  It was a great night and even included some Mariachi singers ;)

Sam - The Dog

After New Year's Nick and I took mom's dog to the vet to be put to sleep forever.  That sounds so harsh but I could give you a laundry list of why it was the right time for Sam.  In the past it has been too hard on my mom to let her animals go when it was their time so I was so happy that we did this for Sam when he really needed it.  Since I have had to do this for my mom on more than one occasion I knew what to expect, but it was all new to Nick and it made him especially sad.  I was happy that we both got to be with him and get a last picture with one of the greatest dogs I have ever know.