Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Natalie is 7 months old!

I really cannot believe that this sweet little girl is already 7 months old.  But it has been a wonderful 7 month's full of hundreds of little blessings.  I am so glad God completed our family with Miss Natalie.

Circle S Farm

This year we went with The Hague's on our annual trip to Circle S Farm.  The kids love getting out there and getting to run around and explore. Their Independence is growing more and more each year.

It was pretty warm and was nice not having to be all bundled up.

This year Samantha hit the 3 foot mark! Our big girl is growing up so FAST!

Since Natalie was attached to me, literally, I had to be in her "growth" picture :)

All three of the big kids enjoyed playing in the hay barn!

Searching out the perfect pumpkin!

Natalie and I looking for our little pumpkin.

My BEAUTIFUL family!