Saturday, August 11, 2012

Natalie is 5 months old!!

 Everyone says kids grow up so fast so be sure to enjoy it as much as you can.  But it is just going by way to fast with Natalie.  Since she is the baby of the family, and always will be, it is hard to see her growing up so fast.  Although the great thing about Natalie is that other than gaining weight, she still looks the same as when she was only 8 weeks old.

Jeff turned 35 today!!!!

Today we celebrated Jeff's 35th Birthday.  All the Hague clan went out for pizza at Donato's and had Dairy Queen ice cream cake to wash down the pizza.

 Looking mighty fine for 35! Happy Birthday Peaby.
 Grady loves Miss Natalie and got to hold her while we waited for pizza!
Grady and Natalie playing with Samantha and Uncle Nick in the background.