Sunday, June 17, 2012

Samantha's new pool!

 We set up Samantha's new pool that Grandpa Bob got her for her birthday. Since she was up by 6:25 AM we got it set up early. We told her that she could swim after her nap so the water could warm up.

Within 3 minutes of being awake she had on her swimsuit and was out the door. It was still a little too cold for her taste but she sucked it up enough to enjoy herself!  It is going to be in the 90's for the next week so hopefully it will warm up some.

Minnie Mouse Natalie

Samantha wanted her sister to wear her Minnie Mouse headband. Since Natalie didn't object to the idea she ended up with them on! And I was able to snap this super cute picture!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Samantha!!!

 I took today off work to spend the whole day with my birthday girl.  Natalie went to her babysitter's so it was just me and my big girl.  She wanted to wear her Minnie Mouse costume and go outside and ride her new Dora bike. So that is exactly what we did.

 She loves loves loves her new bike. And she if getting better and better at peddling.

 She also really likes her scooter! (It's easier for her than her bike.)

 At 9:30 we went to pick up Gram and then headed off to Polaris for Samantha's Birthday adventure.
The first stop of the day was the Disney store! I wanted her to pick out a princess costume that she could wear during the rest of our adventures. She picked out a Tinkerbell costume and she also insisted on having the matching wings and shoes (Thanks Gram)!

Next we went to Sweet & Sassy. It is a kids spa and salon.  Right when we walked in they put sparkles on her cheek and she loved it.  

 I asked her if she wanted her fingernails or toenails painted and she said fingernails. So that's what she did.  She was a little too short to sit on the bench so she sat on my lap so she could see what the lady was doing. She sat very still and followed all the lady's directions.

 She got to pick her polish color and it came as no surprise that she picked a sparkly purple.

 She even sat under the dryer like a big girl.

 Next her and Gram stopped by Charmin' Charlies. She said she needed a hat to keep her hair dry. (It was only slightly sprinkling.)

And our last stop of the adventure was to Benihana's. She loved getting to watch them cook right in front of her. But towards the end of the meal she said she was ready to go home.  She fell asleep in the car and never woke up when I carried her up to her room. I'll say that is her way of giving her birthday adventure a ringing endorsement.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Natalie is 3 months old today!

My little baby is growing up so fast. I really cannot believe she is already 3 months old! She is such a smiley girl and happy baby.  We feel very blessed to have added her to our family.

Samantha's 3rd Birthday Party

 Today we celebrated Samantha's 3rd Birthday. She was so excited for her party. We started walking over to the gazebo and as soon as she saw the balloons she took off running!

 Some of Samantha's friends from Miss Sara's (her babysitter) were able to come and Samantha was very excited to have them at her party. Cousin Grady came stylin' to her party in his "sunnies".

 Probably Samantha's favorite part of the party was opening her presents! And I can honestly say she LOVED everything she got.

 Jeff and I got her this book set that comes with a pen and it reads to the books to you. It is really neat and Samantha wanted to "read" her books right away!

 Mawmaw and Pawpaw got her a Dora bike with training wheels and she thinks she such a big girl now. She still doesn't quite have the whole peddling thing down yet but she sure loves to try!

 This year I ordered a cake instead of making it. And I have to say it took a lot of pressure off me and saved a lot of time too. Plus the bakery did a lot better job than I could have. (So a week or so before her birthday I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said a Dora cake. I asked her what else she wanted and she said, candles on her Dora cake. I said what else do you want and she said a Dora cake with candles. So I am so glad that the one and only thing she wanted we were able to provide! In 10 years when her list is MUCH longer I will remember when she was just 3 and all she wanted was a Dora cake with candles!)

 She blew out her "3" candle just as soon as we got it lit.

 Mommy and Daddy with our Birthday Girl.

 Samantha gave Maren a big hug and thanked her for coming to her party. It was really sweet.

 And she saved some hugs for her friend Emme too!

 Trying out her new bike!

 Gram got Samantha a Dora pinata and she made sure we took it home and hung it up in her bed room!

Maren got Samantha a Minnie the Mouse dress up costume and she has basically worn it ever since we've been home! Combined with the princess shoes that Grady got her...its' one eclectic look :)

Mommy and Daddy love you so much. In fact we have had so much fun over the past few years we just cannot believe you are already 3. You are such a sweet girl and you LOVE to talk. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy think that you never stop talking unless you are asleep. Your favorite TV show is Dora and your favorite movies are Tangled and The Little Mermaid. You even tell people you want to be a mermaid when you grow up. And you just might considering how much you love to swim. You have stepped into the role of Big Sister so well and the first thing you want to do in the morning is see your sister. I asked you one time if you wanted another baby brother or sister and you said all you want is Natalie. You also want her to sleep in your room with you and we told you that she can once she turns 1. We'll see if you change your mind between now and then :) You only ever want to wear dresses! You prefer the really fancy type that have to be hand washed or dry cleaned but you will settle for cotton play dresses as long as YOU get to pick it out. Since Daddy is the one that gets your ready in the morning you and him pick out your clothes together the night before. You also think that shorts and pants are for boys and we have to bribe you to wear them. Sometimes the bribes do not work and you end up wearing dresses to T-ball! But I have to say you have good taste in clothes and you ALWAYS look adorable. Your Daddy and I love getting to watch you grow in the little girl you are meant to be. We will always be your biggest supporters in life no matter what. Your Daddy always asks you, "How much do I love you?" and you respond, "BUNCHES!" And we do love you bunches and always will. Happy Birthday Samantha!
Love, Mommy and Daddy.